Tuesday 14 August 2012

anything about anything

Anything About Anything

Did you know suicides are more likely to happen on a Monday!?!?!

Know when you know a word and you just cant remember it? well that's called Lethologica.

Did you know that in Paraguay duelling is legal so long as that everyone in the duel is a blood donner.

The earliest record of anyone giving up smoking was on April 5 1679 

in ancient Rome it was considered i sign of leadership to be born with a crooked nose. 
a snail can sleep for three years
pearls melt in vinegar
donkeys kill more people per year then plane crashes
did you know that male bats have the highest rate of homosexuality of any mammal

in the 18th century chocolate was believed to Cure a stomach ache
two thirds of the worlds executions occur in china
rats are the worlds second most destructive mammal the first is man

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